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Be Planetary

Be Planetary, La Red.

Everything has a beginning.

To start this change we propose a new social network, Planetary.

It belongs to all its members.

What we propose
It is a very simple idea, and it is the base of our network: we must to give a equal grade to eachone in this planet, what means persons and nature (animals, plants, elements and environments) like partners, and workers and companies like associateds, all of them are equals, have voice and vote. This is Neoequality.

You and your creativity (products, services, activities and contents) from a eco point of view, are the most valuable in this world. We help to generate more resources from it cross Planetary. This is Ecosufficiency.

This is the basis to Be Planetary.

So, Facebook and the others, do you think they are free? they live with the money they get of our products, services, activites and contains we post for free and they don’t return nothing, only a service “for free”.

Facebook earned 2,940 million dollars last year, almost double that in 2013. Facebok shares in the market are 43 million a apox worth 100 dollars each. Buying resulted Whatsapp 17,000 milion euros. The heritage content grows and grows with the intrinsic value they have. The economic power of Facebook lets you do anything to gaining market and grow without limits. The number of employees rises to around 1,200 each year, there are currently 7,000 worldwide. Facebook is a global network that develops currently only 10% of his potential. If Facebook were of all of us growth would be much faster and exponentially since not only fun we on the network, but we would also be working for ourselves and for future generations.

The world population is about 7,000 million. If we account a global distribution of profits or at least to use an estate of this size would allow us to do great things locally, Think Global, Act Local. That is, the famous basic to the beast from which income much talk but it seems you can not get, and that only look at Facebook. And what about the numbers, profits and assets of Twitter, Linkedin, Ebay, Amazon, Soundcloud and others ?. And Google

We’re not fooling no, the following. These benefits are generated by us, the users, and in return received a «free» service, restricted and spied.

How we can change it? making the first social network who belongs to us, to all the Planetary members, first making a base to start, and then step by step taking the best of all of this private social networks to implement in Planetary, developed by free software global community. That’s it. But we must started like a serious team, like a professional team, it is non lucrative but it is a global company. From The Planetary Club we propose to do Be Planetary, La Red, www.planetary.be. May be the best way to build Planetary is node.js to federate it with pump.io but with all the best functions of the best networks?. All the best of all the social networks inside Planetary.

We like Barcelona, we are in Poblenou. We like Getxo, Marbella and Dakar too. We like also Bissau, Cape Town, San Francisco, Vancouver, … We like any worldwide place. So many good places to start Planetary. It can start working in network from any municipality. We must take this for get the resources to build interesting projects like Free Software and others similars to get a Free World as soon as possible across a decent job to get a decent life loving what we do.

It is interesting to know, it is not new, we can build a free world with free knowledge and free techonology. We want to work in things we love to be a happy person with our happy family, we want to love our work, we want don’t spend our time working in things we don’t love, we don’t want to work in more patches too. If we trust in Planetary project it can give us a real lovely job. Only we must decide what is the better way to get money and other resources to go so quickly as possible.

Go ahead with Planetary is a oportunity for all the people involved on it, a real chance for the planet. We are the full owners of it without exceptions and it can’t be stopped. Let’s go to do the first team.

All the people who wants to job on it must put in a list how many hours spend in Planetary and what we do in this time, per example. When Planetary will be profitable all of us must be payed. Only we must decide what is the global hour price and start. That’s all. So, to start, we must know who wants to do this project, people with knowledge in five starting areas and at least we need a IT manager to manage the team. We are the first team.

Do you think it would be a good idea to launch this project from your city and anywhere online? Who wants to belong to it?.

If you want to read more about it, please, download pdf document atached.

If you want to know more about our own concepts, please, go to The Planetary Club Concepts.

Please visit too:
The Planetary Club Official Facebook Group #
The Planetary Club Association ^

Some press links about:
Muhammad Yunus: Social business can help create a new civilisation without poverty, unemployment and environmental degradation

Pleaase write to us, we are aiting your answer asap to beplanetary@gmail.com and to planetary@planetary.be and tell us what you can contribute and in wich area you can perform a task. Attach your curriculum vitae if it is possible.

Kind regards and health.
manukleart *